Blog Post#3

In my own words, I would describe copyright as the act of protection for a person’s individual and unique work. It helps in giving them control in deciding whether they want to let other people use their works or not, and how they might use it, but it’s often overlooked. This is why fair use regulations were created, to allow people to use works for broader purposes including educational and/or non-profit. For my own approach, as a teacher I would like to design as much learning materials as I can, such as newsletters and worksheets, for a unique classroom experience and to stay in touch with my creative skills. Copyright provides protection for these works while fair use can allow for others to use it to a certain degree, such as for other teachers with similar curriculums.

There are several types of technology implementation issues present that are seen as obstacles to educators when teaching their students. In my future classroom, I hope to be able to at least dispel issues of student privacy and cyberbullying. With student privacy, it’s important for students to be aware of how the internet works and what degrees of permanency there is. Teachers can take necessary steps in informing their students about privacy (such as giving them options in whether to share personal info or not), and can closely monitor what actions they take in choosing which online platform they want to use for their class. Cyberbullying is an extension of that, and I remember my high school having a certain rule regarding social media. They were able to monitor to some extent, especially if it was done under the school's technology, and students could reach out anonymously about different situations.

In the last week, I worked on an assignment that involved designing my own newsletter for practice in future classes. It made me work more closely with Microsoft Word, in contrast to how used to Google Docs I am, and made me surprised at how much I learned in relation to editing. I never made a newsletter before, so I think most of the improvements I would make would go towards the overall design rather than content. I could also use these learned skills to go deeper into designing classroom material and lesson plans.


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