Blog Post#7

The FSUS (Florida State University Schools) website includes elementary, middle, and high school levels with each grade level/subject having separate pages. Almost all the teachers provide ‘about me’ tabs which helps students and parents get to know more about them. The elementary level differs a lot from middle and high school in having more tabs dedicated to syllabuses and resources, most likely for parents to be able to access it. The middle and high school teachers instead are shown to rely on Google Classroom for providing information. Other features they show are calendars with updated schedules and field trip details.

I would want to use teacher specific productivity tools such as Microsoft and Google (Slides, Docs) to help in accomplishing my future tasks more efficiently. These tools can let me produce much higher quality work, such as presentations for lectures or consistent lesson plans. I would also use note-taking apps I currently use right now, such as Concepts, which lets me sketch out ideas as well. I like having lots of visual aids, so being able to use tools that lets me draw out plans/maps is really helpful for now and in the future too.

When we had to use PBWorks for an assignment, I thought it was really easy to navigate through and edit. It was a bit plain looking though, similar to other wiki pages like Wikipedia, so I hope there are more design features for the site in the future. I think I would be able to use this wiki for assignments like the one we did, except that the students would have to provide actual information instead of just learning how to use/edit the page. It would help them become more familiar with concepts and material, or reinforce ideas with a subject they like.


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