Blog Post#4

I’ve mentioned before that I wanted to become mainly an elementary school teacher, and I would be most interested in teaching the 3rd grade. So when discussing the ELA technology standards in class, one of them involved interpreting the main idea and supporting details of a story that could be read or shown to the class aloud. This would be accompanied by multiple media type aids, such as visual or oral. I think it’d be easy to implement given the technological resources required, including presentation and map-making tools, audio recording, and the use of Microsoft, all of which I feel capable of utilizing. During my first semester for college, I took a required general education class that had us create our own lesson plans. This standard reflects similarly to what I wrote for the lesson plan.

In relation to the ELA standards, there is a website that includes educational resources and tutorials for all grade levels available for educators that I learned about in class. The site is called CPALMS and being specific to the 3rd grade, I stuck with those related to any of the ELA standards (since I’m also interested in teaching English/Language Arts) and found a resource tutorial based on informative writing. Similar to finding the main idea and its supporting details, instead of a story, the tutorial/standard aims to find the topic, its related details, and the conclusion. It differs on the information being presented, which is factual-based. I would most likely utilize this in my own classroom because I like its aquatic theme and how it relates to science as well in teaching about ocean life.

As a teacher, I think it is important to be proficient at Internet searching because of how fast technology is progressing in society, especially in education. In the education field, a teacher must be able to find valid resources that make and back up their lesson plans, and if their students are old enough, be able to help guide and teach them fundamentals of the Internet. This is for their own use, knowing how to navigate and gather credible sources when doing projects or papers while keeping safe at the same time. I really liked learning about the advanced search feature of Google in my class, and hope to use it more in researching for papers. Searching broadly on Google is what I usually do as a start, but I can automatically narrow the search with the advanced feature, so I wouldn’t have to scroll through many posts the first time around. It also works similarly to academic bases, where certain words can be omitted for clearer results; I think it would be very useful to teach students early on.


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