Blog Post#1

Hi there, I’m Felicity and currently attending a university as a sophomore. I am hoping to major in Elementary Education, but I am also thinking of choosing English Education as a second choice. I’d like to eventually work with younger grade level kids, but I’m also in between becoming a high school English/Literature teacher as well; I hope to be able to retain this blogging experience as a step towards that! In my free time I like to sketch and read mostly mystery/classic genres.

Most of my prior experiences with technology in an educational setting would come from high school, where all of the teachers used smartboards (Prometheans) for lessons. What we would use directly were standard computers and/or chromebooks if we needed to do online assignments in class, or, when I was younger, use them for learning/interactive games. Most of my classmates and I used apps like Microsoft (Word, Powerpoint) and Google (Docs, Slides), as an alternative, the most for presentations and essays. Freshman year of college was similar with teachers using smartboards/projectors, but I also started using Canvas for the first time, which is an infrastructure on its own that teachers can use to assign work and grades.

I usually use learning resources like social media platforms (ex. Instagram), that contribute to my personal learning network, for current events/movements/general info about certain things. I also use Youtube as a way to watch what and how to do things while becoming more updated at the same time. I keep news article apps and check the events there from time to time, but offline I am starting to connect with more friends who are also Education majors and certain teachers. With the quarantine period and covid being active though, I’ve been talking more with people (mostly my older cousins) with their college and work experiences as a guide.


  1. YouTube is an excellent learning resource, especially for tutorial videos. What are some interesting tutorials you've viewed on YouTube?

    1. I've been getting into baking recently (especially during quarantine), so I usually watch tutorials on making different cookies and cakes!


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